To help ensure the accuracy of the information that will be provided to you
at the end of this quiz, please answer whether the following statements are
True (like me) or False (not like me).
1. My moods are all over the place. I go from being happy or angry to being
depressed. And I never know when or why my mood is going to change.
2. I have a lot of anxiety. I tend to worry way too much about different things
or just a few things. But the worrying takes up a lot of my time.
3. I sometimes see things or hear things that aren’t really there. At least, no
one else can see or hear them, but to me, they are totally real.
4. I have a bunch of rituals I do, things that I always have to do in a certain
order, or rules I make up and follow that don’t make a lot of sense. But if I
don’t get to do them, my anxiety goes through the roof.
5. My mind often thinks of things that are crazy, embarrassing, scary, sexual,
or aggressive, and I have no clue why these thoughts keep coming into my
mind, but they are upsetting.