ADHD, or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, typically involves problems with sustaining attention and fluctuations in energy levels. If you often find yourself getting distracted or feeling restless, you may believe that you might have ADHD.

This 10-question quiz will help you better understand if you might have experiences that align with ADHD symptoms.

Read the questions below and consider how often you have experienced the following symptoms in the last 6 months.


1. Do you have a hard time paying attention when trying to focus on a task?

2. Do you find yourself getting side-tracked or distracted in the middle of working on something?

3. Do you have a hard time remembering appointments or meeting deadlines?

4. Do you find yourself procrastinating getting started on tasks that seem difficult?

5. Do you get easily distracted by activity or noise around you?

6. In conversations, do you start speaking before the other person is done talking?

7. When you have to sit for an extended period of time – like during a meeting – do you find yourself fidgeting or feeling restless?

8. Do you find yourself talking too much in social situations?

9. Do you get impatient waiting your turn in situations where you have to wait – like while waiting in line?

10. Do you have a hard time unwinding or relaxing?

Please complete the following general questions.

1) Name:

2) Email:

3) Age:

4) Gender:

5) Zip Code:

6)Current Grade in School (or going into in the Fall):

7)Please circle your average grade or (grade percentage) for your last full year in school:

Hi Thanks for completing the quiz!

Here is your quiz score:

The result is based on a point-based system to the answers you have submitted for the questions.

Disclaimer: This quiz is not a diagnostic assessment. A mental health diagnosis can only be given by a licensed mental health professional. If you have concerns about your mental health, please speak to your doctor.

Self Assessment Adult

Media Recognition