• I reached out to psychiatrist after psychiatrist in search of one who could help me overcome my inner turmoil and allow me to sit at a computer all day and focus, which is what my new, work-at-home job requires of me.

    Every time I attempted to sit, focus, and work, I just couldn’t stop fidgeting!

    The two psychiatrists that I did see told me the same thing, that I had depression and anxiety, and wrote me prescriptions for two different antidepressants and said come back in 3 months. No real emotional support at all!

    One way to get a different perspective on things is to do some real research. I’m glad I did. I found out about ADHD Testing Center. They were incredibly knowledgeable and helped me get my testing results back in a week.

    The doctor actually listened to me, explained their thoughts, tested me, and then prescribed. They helped me keep my job!

    I highly recommend this ADHD center and their amazingingly supportive doctors and staff.

    - Damian York


  • The care and attention of the doctor and staff is unparalleled and this clinic is a great alternative to the largely unavailable traditional ADHD doctors. I highly recommend this ADHD clinic!

    - Michel Platini


  • There’s not an issue that ADHD Testing Center can’t help with. Whether you’re just starting to think about ADHD or you want to test for ADHD, ADHD Testing Center has the professionals to help you.

    I cannot thank the doctors (and staff) enough for their support and encouragement throughout this process. Not only did they help me to get organized and on top of my work, but they also helped me get on the right medication to get through each day. I cannot recommend their services enough for those with ADHD and anxiety.

    My life has never been better after receiving the insight I needed to better myself.

    - Kerry Banks


  • This clinic’s staff are so open-minded, intelligent, and skillful about ADHD, brainwaves, neurofeedback, and helping others live their fullest potential.

    They’re too good at what they do to be true, but when I started my brain map, I realized that they are the true blue doctors of neuroscience! I highly encourage everyone to get a brain map because this is the best thing I have ever done for myself.

    - Damian York


  • The ADHD Testing Center was the ray of hope I needed to be able to relate to my son again. I was feeling so frustrated with him, just not knowing how to help. I was feeling so alone. It really is amazing how talking to professionals about ADHD can really take the burden off of the person diagnosed.

    The health care team at this clinic is more than helpful, they are friendly and more than knowledgeable. With their passion for providing excellent service, they are the best at their jobs. I will forever be grateful to the ADHD center.

    - Natalie Wood

    (House Wife)

  • Since we had our son evaluated earlier this year, we can’t imagine life without his continued success. There were excellent recommendations in the report and he’s been doing well in summer school.

    We were in disbelief when we were told that our son is in the top 1% of his class in terms of intelligence. It seemed too good to be true. It turns out that our son has been the top of his class all his life, but we were too busy to figure that out.

    I knew it was my responsibility to invest in his future so we came to the ADHD center.

    The doctors there were very kind, encouraging, and supportive.

    To my amazement, my son had an immense blast going through the process. He was overjoyed that he had been able to go through with it and loved sharing his journey with me.

    I got two of my co-workers to go to ADHD Testing Center and it turns out one of them has ADHD. My brother also needed therapy, and it turned out he had ADHD too! They get 2 thumbs up from all of us!

    - Michel Platini


  • I really love the staff at the ADHD center! They were awesome at diagnosing and got me, my family and all the others I’ve referred to them back on track quickly. They’re awesome and I’m thankful that I came across them. They’re professionals and know what they’re doing.

    - Kerry Banks


  • Along with having very keen clinical and diagnostic skills, they offer an effective non-pharmacological alternative treatment for ADD and ADHD. The team of experts uses an holistic treatment approach which will also help you or your child’s behavioral and emotional difficulties. Highly recommend the ADHD center for your loved ones.

    - Damian York


  • I was referred to this ADHD center for medication management by my therapist, who told me that I needed a medication plan that I could really use.

    I suppose that I was skeptical of the effectiveness of med management versus traditional therapy, but I find that they are always there for me when I need them.

    A pivotal point in my journey with chronic pain was my decision to give up on traditional therapies in favor of the alternative med management of my pain.

    Now, I find myself more informed and supported than ever before.

    He always has answers to my questions and is always good at explaining the reasons for his recommended “tools” for a better, more productive life. I am so happy I made the decision to try them out.

    - Natalie Wood

    (House Wife)


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