1. Gloria: “Sometimes, when I am really into a task or a project, I will completely tune out the rest of the world and not even hear my name being called or someone trying to get my attention.”

I relate as a:

2. Robert: “I’m not very good with quiet leisure activities. I might enjoy watching television to relax in the evening, but I’ll be up and down a lot. I’ll go to the kitchen or the den or even just change seats to move. I’m not the type of person who can sit down and watch TV for 2 hours without getting up.”

I relate as a:

3. Marguerite: “I hate standing in line at the grocery store, Walmart, or anywhere else. I get so impatient because it feels so unnecessary, and it’s such a waste of time. People have told me I need to relax when I’m in lines because I get very tense.”

I relate as a:

4. Jose: “I know that I should keep a “To-Do List” or a calendar to help myself stay organized and do what I need to do, but I just can’t seem to stick to “To-Do Lists” or calendars. Even if I try (or did try) to make one, I couldn’t stick to it.”

I relate as a:

5. Jin-Hee: “When I am sitting for more than a few minutes, I automatically start to shake my leg, twist my hands together, or play with my hair. It’s hard to just sit still for very long.”

I relate as a:

6. Richard: “I have trouble going to the movies or watching television without moving my body (like Jin-Hee said) or getting up to stretch, get some food, or take a walk.”

I relate as a:

7.Lydia: “Every day starts with a treasure hunt for things like my keys, wallet, glasses, and phone. They end up being almost anywhere because I will put them down while thinking of or doing something else and not even realize it.”

I relate as a:

8. Amir: “Unfortunately, I tend to say things without thinking more often than I would like. Many times, I realize right after I say something that I should have kept my mouth shut, but it’s too late. I’ve already said it!”

I relate as a:

9.Carlos: “There are too many times when I miss appointments or go out shopping and forget some of the things I was supposed to buy because I can’t remember it all, even if it’s just a few items, and I don’t write things down.”

I relate as a:

10. Jazmin: “I’m a very energetic person. While I like having lots of energy, I do think it may be too much at times because it makes it hard to sit and participate in meetings or conversations or even just sit still and watch a movie I’m enjoying.”

I relate as a:

11.Linda: “There are times when I am engaged in an interesting conversation or reading a good book, and all of a sudden, without even realizing it, my mind is totally focused on something or someone else. I don’t mean to do it. It just happens.”

I relate as a:

12.John: “People tell me, and I sometimes see it myself, that I tend to do a lot more talking than listening. I don’t mean to do it, but there are lots of times I feel like I have a lot to say.”

I relate as a:

13. Elijah: “I make too many careless mistakes because I’m just not paying enough attention to the details. It gets frustrating, but I can’t seem to help it.”

I relate as a:

14.Maria: “I enjoy starting new tasks and projects, but I don’t seem to finish the first one before I start the next one. I end up with multiple projects that are all in different phases of completion. It’s just the way I am.”

I relate as a:

15. Josephine: “I interrupt other people too often. If they are speaking to me (or even to someone else), and I have something to add or I need to correct something they said, I know I should wait until they finish speaking, but I just say it when I think it, and sometimes it’s rude. I don’t mean to be rude, but it just happens. When something comes into my mind, I say it.”

I relate as a:

16. De’Kendrick: “It’s not easy for me to complete a long task. For example, if I have to complete a long form that is many pages, even if the form doesn’t ask anything difficult, I won’t finish it in one sitting. I’ll do some and come back later, and I’ll do this lots of times until the form is done. I think I get bored easily.”

I relate as a:

To help ensure the accuracy of the information that will be provided to you at the end of this quiz, please answer whether the following statements are True (like me) or False (not like me).

1. My moods are all over the place. I go from being happy or angry to being depressed. And I never know when or why my mood is going to change.

2. I have a lot of anxiety. I tend to worry way too much about different things or just a few things. But the worrying takes up a lot of my time.

3. I sometimes see things or hear things that aren’t really there. At least, no one else can see or hear them, but to me, they are totally real.

4. I have a bunch of rituals I do, things that I always have to do in a certain order, or rules I make up and follow that don’t make a lot of sense. But if I don’t get to do them, my anxiety goes through the roof.

5. My mind often thinks of things that are crazy, embarrassing, scary, sexual, or aggressive, and I have no clue why these thoughts keep coming into my mind, but they are upsetting.

Please complete the following general questions.

1) Name:

2) Email:

3) Age:

4) Gender:

5) Zip Code:

6)Highest Educational Level:

Hi Thanks for completing the quiz!

Here is your quiz Score:

The result is based on a point-based system to the answers you have submitted for the questions.

Disclaimer: This quiz is not a diagnostic assessment. A mental health diagnosis can only be given by a licensed mental health professional. If you have concerns about your mental health, please speak to your doctor.

Adult Contrarian

Media Recognition